Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Day Run to Rockford, IL

21 July 2012
This is at a Japanese Garden in Rockford, IL  We had rode out to visit the Harley store.  Kegler Harley is the oldest Harley dealership.  Neat thing is they have a diner at the store too.  So we had lunch there.  Would you like to see it?
Sorry, don't know why, but don't have any pictures of Kegler or the diner. But, the chow was good.



Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Town Square Pontiac, IL 
It's about 0930, Vendors are setting up.  By 1300 they will all be gone.

Ha, finally I found a sidewalk painting that is for real.  I know they're all for real, but I got to walk on this one.

An atypical tourists second hand store across from the Town Square. I suspect if I live long enough I'll be able to open up my front door and have an instant second hand store stocked and ready to go.

Here's Brenda, we just came out of little shop of Nicknacks with some really nice people. I got a really good Cream Soda there. The temperature is climbing.
A fellow Sonarman student and his family had a Volkswagon bus that looked just like this one back in 1973. Well, except for all the stuff stuck to the side of it.

Note, this Pontiac hood as 66 on it.  That is because Pontiac is right on Route 66. A show I never missed as a kid.  Now, until I got here, some 50 years later I find Route 66 didn't go where I thought.  I thought it was coast to coast and it's really only a couple hundred miles in Illinois. Amazing they could do a whole TV series on it.
 This pump went obsolete because of a sale of more that $9.99 was anticipated.
There are probably at least 6 of these little cars bolted down on street corners in Pontiac.  Pretty neat.  Follow the foot steps and you get to the first Museum they have.

Dunkin Donuts preparation to depart.  Had my Apple Fritter and Diet Coke.

This is June 16th 2012 and we are headed for Pontiac, IL.  When ever I told anyone that is where we were going, they always had this surprised look on their face and asked "Why?"  Well, it is a 99 mile ride from home each way.  My fanny is a little sensitive to riding a long time.  In fact, if we stop about every hour for 20 minutes or so, my hiney does a reset and I'm good for another hour.

This is our first stop about an hour out and, of course, happens to be a Dunkin Donut.  And, yes there was a police cruiser parked there when we pulled up.  Here Brenda is detaching her headset from her jacket.