Friday, September 24, 2010

Bernkastel-Kues - Town in the Wine Country on the Mosel River

Some 5,000 years ago a stone age group of people left a few scratches on the rocks.  I suppose it was a bit like soldiers painting "Kilroy was here" on walls and fences.  Just enough to let us know they were around.  But it was 600 BC the Celts moved into the area to mine iron.  Now that left a mark and spawned the beginnings of the town.  Somewhere along the way the Celts got stomped by the Romans and then the Romans gave way to the Franks who then lost it all to the French and then back to Germany.  Of course, and I say "Of course," like I should know, Ha... it was the French that cultivated the area into the wine country it is today.  The Germans not noted for any disdain of drinking has kept it that way.  The only thing about Bernkastel-Kues was the promotion of tourism to their quaint setting.  And as you look at the pictures you can see they have shunned modernization, at least outwardly, of their town.  I speak of Bernkastel-Kues as a town, but is is actually two.  Bernkastel is on one side of the Mosel river and Kues on the other.  The fairyman gave way to a bridge in the first few years in the 20th century.

Nevertheless, Brenda and I were there doing the touristy thing having signed up for a wine tasting tour. Hehe, we don't drink. The USO bus was headed that way and with the ticket came a nice supper meal at a local winery hosted by the 5th generation owner.  There is some interesting polictical factors associated with that I'll mention later (providing I don't forget).

You can't have a quaint little town with a freeway anywhere near so it's off on to two lanes for most of the trip and this is what you get.  Nearly 20 minutes to clear this little road contruction.

Looking across the Mosel River on the approach to Bernkastel.  That isn't part of the town.

You know I'd be remiss if I didn't get the bus in here somewhere.

On the otherside of the bridge you can see the boats.  They cruise up and down the Mosel and have good food and entertainment available.

Another castel ruin.

Looking over at the left side of Bernkastel from the bridge that takes you over to Kues.

Our tour guide.  As you can see she holds up this bright umbrella so everyone that sees us will know we are a gaggle of tourists.  Got to admit though I do sometimes get distracted and look for that thing to figure out where they all got off to.

 This was the first source of water for the town.  I should say first good source, afterall, there is a river just yards away.  However, considering all that was put into the river back in 600 BC or so I'd go for the clear clean spring water too.

Ah, heading for the shopping.

This nice bright pinkish orange shop struck me as a interesting contrast to the rest of the square's shops in their rustic old orginal color schemes.

This is an half timber house imitation. In times way past one of influence (got money) had half timber houses.  The lower class had log homes.  Later on someone said "Hey I heard about this new stuff called plaster."  So they plastered up their logs and painted on lines to make them look like have timber.  Go figure.
Now if your after a great way to show your into wine I think this grape motif is about as good as it could get.

This is one of Bernkastel's signature  attractions.  Skinny building, hotel - resturant where the street splits down both sides of it.  Note the over hang of the upper half of the building.  Back before tolits people would empty their chamber pots in the street.  Yelling something to the effect here it comes then dump.  Passer byes in the street would side step to seek protection of the over hang.  Don't really know about the splatter.  Perhaps, people accepted splatter as a way of life.

A corner of the courtyard square.

I did say, courtyard square.  They use to hold court there and dish out punishment, justice or otherwise in this courtyard.  The person up next found him or herself in these irons.  A bit of a novelity so the Bernkastelers kept them in the same place they have always been.

Waiting on our dinner at the Winery.

The name of the Winery.  Really nice fellow. He's the second picture down.

Here's all the wines that were tasted in this outing.  We had the grape juice.
That's it for this trip.

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