Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The End (Sort of)

This concludes our blog on our Germany adventure.  I would recommend if you wish to brave the whole of it that you go to the beginning.  The beginning is naturally at the end. Well, it wasn't the end when we started, but the postings stack on each other by the time your done the beginning is at the bottom. The adventure does build on itself to some degree so take the hour it takes to go through the whole thing and start at the March link in 2010 to the left and move up through the site.

We didn't stay in Germany as long as we had hoped we would because of ailing parents.  Ending our stay early so we could be closer to them as they kept scaring us with threat of dying suddenly.  

I hope you enjoy the site as much as I did putting it together. I will be starting another site for our U.S. adventures. I'll post the link here once I decide what is interesting enough to do a new blog on. 

Jerry and Brenda Hall 

1 comment:

  1. Are you going to start a new blog now that you're done with the Germany blog? Just wondering :) Love you guys! <3
